River Style Hotel & SPA, Reda
Swimming Pool

Swimming Pool

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  2. Hotel for children
  3. Swimming pool for children

In River Style Hotel & SPA we care about our youngest guests. We created a number of amenities and attractions for families with children.

Facilities for families with children:

  • two safe paddling pools intended for the youngest: 30 cm and 50 cm deep with a water mushroom - an ideal place where the youngest children can play in the water and enjoy the joy of a safe depth. The water temperature is between 31.5°C and 32°C
  • massagers, countercurrents
  • balls, boards, sleeves and other water toys
  • family cloakroom in the wellness area – a perfect solution for parents with children
  • a lifeguard at the swimming pool ensuring the safety of guests
  • shop - accessories for children and a snack machine available for purchase

ul. Pucka 10B
84-240 Reda, Polska

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